Small Groups

What do healthy Christians look like? Jesus! This process involves growth in a balance of God's five purposes within the life of a believer: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, and Evangelism.

The purpose of Parkway small groups is to be a tool in God's hands for the development of healthy Christians and a healthy church. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus said, "Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." The application of this verse is what our small groups are all about!  When Jesus said "Come, follow me," He was talking about obedience.  We are learning how to obey Jesus.  When Jesus said I will make you, He was talking about change.  We are learning how to let God change our lives.  And when Jesus said I will make you fishers of men, He was talking about His mission becoming our mission.  We are learning how to share our faith with others.  What an exciting process!

Small Groups meet weekly in homes. If you are not already involved, we would love to have you comeand see what our groups are like. Just call the church office, 865-693-8204, or call one of the small group facilitators listed below for more information.

  Facilitators Phone Meeting Time
Men's Small Groups
  Lindy Apon 865-661-5151 Sunday Nights 6:30 pm
  Benny Hagie 865-385-6663 Saturday Mornings 8:00 am
Women's Small Groups
  Melody Fugate 865-216-5168 Sunday Nights 6:30 pm
Youth Small Groups
  Mark Cloyd (young men) 423-794-8455 Sunday Nights 6:00 pm
  Melissa Marti (young women) 865-748-2303 Sunday Nights 6:00 pm

Additionally, when school starts each August, we have a Sunday evening all-church discipleship time for ten weeks.  For more information, please call Lindy Apon.