1 John: Walk in the Light
1 John: Walk in the Light - 14 - Attitudes that Demonstrate Salvation
By Pastor Lindy Apon
Does your life demonstrate obedience to God and a true hunger for holiness, or a hunger for the world and the things of the world? Do the expressions of your heart, words,...
1 John: Walk in the Light - 13 - Does the Mark of a Christian Reside in Me?
By Pastor Lindy Apon
1 John: Walk in the Light - 12 - Three Reasons Why Real Christians Do Not Habitually Sin
By Pastor Lindy Apon
"The continuing aim of the epistle of 1 John is to set forth tests by which a person's claim of salvation can be verified or rejected." See 1 John 3:4-6. What are three reason...
1 John: Walk in the Light - 11 - Biblical Hope: What Is It and How Do We Get It?
By Pastor Lindy Apon
What responses does Biblical "hope" produce in the heart of a believer? What is Biblical hope and how do we get it? Does your life exhibit a hope in Christ that makes a...
1 John: Walk in the Light - 10 - Learning the Difference Between True Believers & Antichrists
By Pastor Lindy Apon
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